保健 - 第70期 - page 58

Zhaug Han
A number of celebrities,
e.g., Elizabeth Taylor and Prin-
cess Diana are said to have had
colonic hydrotherapies; Mdm
Soong Mei-ling is said to have a
habit of washing her colonweekly
- often linked to her longevity.
Xiao Jin has been taking laxa-
tives for "detoxification" for 2
years. However, one day, she
began to have a tummy ache and
a b l o a t i n g s e n s a t i o n .
Colonoscopy found a condition
called "melanosis coli" - pigmen-
tation of the colonic wall. Al-
though benign and reversible,
"melanosis coli" is a sign to kick
the habit of using laxatives for the
so-called "detoxification".None of
the markets' detoxification, colon
cleaning and slimming products
should ever be employed long
term without definite indications.
Although modern city dwellers
pass around 20% less stools: an
increasing pressure on their large
bowels, only the occasional rec-
tal clean up is required, e.g.,
laxatives, glycerin suppositories,
rectal washouts and enemas. By
far, the most natural is taking
more fruits and vegetables. Oli-
gosacchar i des ( found i n
soybeans, leeks, onions, and
asparagus) are "food of the co-
lon" - not digested but left till
made use of by gut bacteria.
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