保健 - 第70期 - page 48

Lin Fun
Puvple clay tea pots and
Puer tea are the two heavenly
gifts for Yixing and Yunnan
respectively. While Puvple clay
tea pots are the best; Puer tea
has also been "sitting" there long-
est and both are "collective items"
and part of our culture. With a 3,
000-year history, Puer tea does
have its own unique features. As
"bricks" of Puer tea leaves are be
kept underground for over 5
years, those kept for up to 40
years attract astronomical prices.
Professors at the Kunming Insti-
tute of Natural Pharmaceuticals
found Puer tea killed cancer cells
experimentally in test tubes, prob-
ably through its polyphenols; it
also had anti-mutation effects in-
d u c e d i n C 5 7 m i c e by
cyclophosphamide; it also low-
ered serum cholesterol and trig-
lycerides of mice drinking Puer
tea regularly. The Japanese fe-
ver for Puer tea arose from the
book, "The Wonderful Effects of
Puer Tea", let alone scientific dis-
cussions on the protective prop-
erties of tetramethoxy com-
pounds in black tea. As Puer tea
quenches thirst well, stimulates
saliva, sooths drunkenness,
tonifies the spleen, enhances the
appetite and promote digestion,
let alone its bacteriostatic and
anti-obesity properties, it is an
ideal drink for good health.
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