Which is Most Nutritious: Fresh Milk, Soybean Milk or Milk Powder
We often take soybean milk during breakfast - compared with fresh milk, it is affordable, has more iron; the protein is plant protein and no
lactose to cause tummy aches or diarrhoea due to lack of lactase in many Chinese grown ups. Fresh milk tastes better; has more fat content
and much higher calcium content. When milk powder is being made, high temperatures required for sterilization would destroy nutritions like
vitamin C; spraying required to form power also clumps fat globules or may even combines them with proteins, making digestion more difficult.
Take care not to confuse "reconstituted milk" with "fresh milk", the former is recycled back from milk powder but the value just cannot be
compared with real fresh milk. A serious shortcoming of fresh milk is its ease of contamination and turning sour. Fortunately, most reputable
brands are pasteurized but not those supplied through direct sales from small farms, no matter how "pure" and "good" they claim their fresh
milk to be. Some milk powders are fortified with vitamins and minerals, even catering for different stages of human growth and development -
deemed a good alternative.
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