保健 - 第72期 - page 52

Medicinal Value of Diet: Our Health Relies on Natural Herbs: No Pandemics Despite Natural Disasters
Following the earthquake in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province, pandemics may ensue. Cook all food thoroughly and boil drinking
water; non-pasteurized orange juice had caused death of 50 people - from botulism. Wash hands before eating. With caffeine, polyphenols
and antioxidants, tea is a healthy drink. Mung beans control bacteria, so does ginger that also promotes sweating. With garlicin as a broad-
spectrum antibiotic, garlic is hailed as "penicillin growing from the soil". Spring onion, especially the bulb, is for bruises; its fistular onion juice
has significant antibiotic properties; so does onion that is hailed as the "Queen of vegetables": detoxification through its glutathione. Green
rape reduces tissue swelling and kills germs. Coriander is a good for dyspepsia, so is vinegar. Cruciferous vegetables, e.g., white and green
turnips have interferon inducers. Dandelion is for dyspepsia, stimulates lactation and bile flow - a property shared by oriental wormwood.
Cirsium stops minor bleeding. As even the late Chairman of HKAHC: Mr WH Chou had experienced excellent healing from such medicine, we
have a National treasure!
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