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Take Care When Using Insulin
Mr Zhang has type 2 diabetes for 12 years but had poor control of his blood glucose by oral agents: Acarbose, Metformin and
Gliclazide, even at top doses. As he was very reluctant to shift to insulin subcutaneous jabs, a 4th oral agent Rosiglitazone was added but still
failed. Finally, he agreed to try insulin, especially when he was given to understand that, insulin was just to supplement whatever his body
could not produce any more, relatively speaking. For type 1 diabetes, there is an absolute deficiency of insulin, however, even type 2 diabetes
could also become more and more deficient with time. In practice, whenever there is poor control of the blood glucose level, such insulin
deficiencies require supplementary insulin for whatever the deficient natural secretion. Nevertheless, insulin differs considerably from tonics
that have a wide safety margin on dosage - insulin for diabetes control has an extremely narrow dosage "window", especially as insulin has
various types, according to the rapidity and duration of action: ultra-fast, soluble insulin (inject 30 min before meals), intermediate, long
('lente'), extra-long acting - consult your doctor, over-dosage kills!