保健 - 第72期 - page 39

What Can We Do at Home for a Patient with Nose Bleeding?
Dr Li advised Mdm Qin on her 7-year-old daughter with occasional nose bleeds. In children and young adults, most commonly, it is due
to fragile vessels in the "Little's Area" of the nose - especially in dry climates. At home, stay calm, let her sit down and breathe through her
mouth; pinch the nose steadily and continuously for 10 minutes; or, use sterile cotton wool soaked with Yunnan white medicinal powder; or,
use dedicated "gel foam" strips. Look for frequent swallowing - better to spit out gently all the secretions and see if it was still blood-stained.
Apply cool objects to the forehead or the back of the neck to contract blood vessels. Should bleeding be frequent, go to a general hospital at
once. Uncle Zhang had hypertension and bled alarmingly from the nose. Dr Li advised, if the bleeding was due to hypertension, blood
pressure must be well controlled - by regular medications and monitoring; adequate rest after work; reduce salt, fat, internal organs, heavily
cured or too spicy or high cholesterol food. Take more fresh fruits and vegetables; limit the total calorie intake; have gentle physical exercises.
Rush to a general hospital if bleeding is severe.
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