Jottings on Self-regulation of the "Examination Hall Syndrome"
The daughter of Mr Chang, although having satisfactory progress with her school work, would often become excessively nervous during
term examinations - all these affected her examination results. Such a phenomenon is termed "Examination hall syndrome" or "Examination
tension". These subjects often have excessive psychological pressure, labile emotion, undue anxiety and mental cloudiness. Have positive self
suggestion to re-establish self confidence. Build in short periods of outdoor breaks in between concentrated studies in order to relax the
mental state and get refreshed. Have a systematic programme to de-sensitize tensions, e.g., by listing out all the possible periods of increasing
tension when approaching the examination; try concentrating on each period and practicing de-sensitization skills, e.g., by positive self-
suggestion, taking a deep breath and relax muscles, etc. With more and more practice, the tension would become de-sensitized. However,
the strategy of taking sedatives for examinations is not recommended as all medications would have side effects that may well affect the
normal mental activity crucial for examinations.
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