保健 - 第72期 - page 34

Stress and Health
Psychologically, stress mobilizes all our might for a prompt combat; but, eventually, unfounded fears, excessive anger and even depression
ensue. Physiologically, stress enhances our brain, heart and lung functions - a "fight or flight" response. The body may synthesize stress
proteins for enhanced protection and repair; body energy stores are also mobilized, but, eventually, organs may be damaged; para-sympathetic
nerves motivate and there is excess of glucocorticoid and catecholamine that is also related to irregular heart beats, increased heart muscle
oxygen consumption, clumping of platelets and even death. Immunity increases but eventually decreases; appetite changes due to excessive
adrenal cortisol or endorphine secretion at the hypothalamus. With increasing glucocorticoids and decreasing prostaglandins, stress stomach
ulcers may occur. Post-traumatic stress disorder is a prolonged, grossly psychological sequelae requiring clinical psychologist's care. If stress
is unavoidable, have active measures, e.g., medication, protein, glucose supplements and pain killers, etc. Above all, be open and positive;
socialize and keep close friends and intermingle with society.
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