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"Overcoming Earthquake Shock" Requires Science, Patience and Care
After the earthquake of Wenchuan County, Huaxi Medical Science University Second Hospital had admitted many children with bodily
injuries and much worse mental stress, e.g., for failing to rescue his close friend next door, a 16-year-old is full of self-reproach and even has
psycho-somatic symptoms of frequent vomiting. All require care, timely therapy and appropriate communications, otherwise, permanent
psychological trauma results. Experts opine that children with self-reproach are punishing themselves by being autistic - they require prompt
counseling more than children being abused. Prof Lin Chongde, of Beijing Teachers' University, opined that, 3 months after severe disasters,
mental trauma, panic and undue anxiety require crisis management, safekeeping, communication and psychological message - the stage
of "initial shock", to be followed by "psychological restoration" that goes beyond 3 months, even though there is still considerable imbalance,
especially those bereaved. A well-tried US crisis stress management has 4 effective steps: acknowledging, thinking, reacting and reassuring.
Listening to children goes a long way.
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