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In Okinawa Prefecture, Japan, there are 34 centenarians per 100,000 - 6 to7 times higher than in Western developed countries;
cerebro-vascular diseases and cancers are rare, cardio-vascular diseases is 80% less than in the US; breast cancer is also
remarkably rare. With a mixture of Chinese and Japanese diets, the Okinawa diet is uniquely healthy and low in calories -
consisting of sweet potato, green leafy vegetables, unpolished cereals, e.g., wheat udon, buckwheat (with rutin that dilates
capillaries) noodle, sea weed, fish, soy products (with daidzein, a phytoestrogen, a plant estrogen for healthier arteries; helps to
balance body hormones, prevent hormone-related cancers, e.g., breast or prostate), little meat fat, sugar and other refined
carbohydrates and hormones, etc.; cook with rapeseed oil; the Okinawan very elderly still has good immunity, healthy bones:
no osteoporosis, optimum body build, good quality sex hormone levels. The "secret" is in their diet: "goya champuru", Okinawa
rice wine locally made may also prevent atherosclerosis of blood vessels. Moreover, their healthy lifestyle and positive thinking
is also important.
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