To Mei Fa
Eggs have abundant vita-
min B2, selenium and zinc that
may counteract carcinogenic
substances; lumiflavin and lu-
michrome may also suppress
throat and lymphoid cancer in-
ducing substances. Lecithin en-
hances memory and mentality;
prevents senile dementia.Young
persons may take at least 1-2
eggs a day; the elderly, 1 per
day; people with mildly elevated
cholesterol, 3 per week. With
suboptimal digestive systems,
excessive protein produces
ammonia; when absorbed from
the gut, the brain may be
affected. Some imported eggs
contain higher dietary fibre and
lower cholesterol - good for the
elderly; but domestic eggs are
more palatable. Beware of eggs
that are cracked; have the yolk
stuck onto the shell; rotten; with
broken yolks; mouldy or had
failed to hatch. Raw eggs have
anti-enzyme proteins that pre-
clude digestion; may also have
Salmonella or O-157 E coli
bacteria. Using raw eggs to treat
kids' constipation is not only in-
effective but also risking toxo-
plasmosis infection. Cooked
eggs are preferable, especially
hard boiled, but cooling in cold
water may create a vacuum in
the egg and bacteria sucked in
from the cooling water.
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