Invented by Dr Yang Qi-biao of Canada, the "Shuiyisheng Mug" uses "novel nano technology and Japanese bio-porcelain,
volcanic mineral"; "in 1 minute, a weakly alkaline water with negative ion, low molecular, high oxygen content, mineral and trace
elements is made"; "eliminates acid metabolites, cigarette and alcohol toxicities, excessive fat; optimize acid-base, improves
immunity and circulation, prevents aging, kills germs", etc. Nutritionists and internal medicine specialists opined: environmental
pollution and heavy workload may give us a weakly acidic body makeup; the taking of a weakly alkali water to compensate
sounds rational but, in reality, a much better and practicable way is to adjust our food intake, e.g. to take more fruits, vegetables;
drink more milk; take less of acidic food, e.g., fish and meat, etc. There is no scientific evidence that weakly alkali water could
cure diseases, e.g., no evidence to support the drinking of weakly alkali water lowers cholesterol or thins the blood. The truth
about water from the "Shuiyisheng Mug" remains to be examined by the Authorities; however, before that, their advertisements
had already been banned.
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