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Children May Also Get Venereal Diseases
In modern cities, the incidence rate of childhood venereal diseases (VD) is increasing - devastating, as children are poor historians yet
disease development is rapid. Apart from iatrogenic contamination (usually AIDS), usual routes of spread are from the mother: during pregnancy
or at birth; from indirect spread of VD bacteria surviving on objects (the bacteria survives 18-24 hrs at room temperature). A 4-year old boy had
thin pus staining the fore skin of his penis - due to gonorrhoea spread from the neighbourhood chauffeur whose contaminated hand had
touched the boy's genitals. A 5-year old girl had painful urination and thin pus was found on her genitals - from close acquaintance with young
girls working at a nearby sex den. A 3-day old babe had much sticky pus in the eyes, congested and swollen conjunctiva; cloudy cornea -
gonorrhoea eye infection arising at birth from the mother's infected vagina. As blindness may occur, should apply 1% silver nitrate eye drops
for prevention. A 2-month old boy had eczema with enlarged liver and spleen; his father had syphilis chancre and had spread to his son.
Beware, VDs in China are increasing!