保健 - 第72期 - page 16

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Why is Insomnia Related to the State of Sub-health?
Within our body, there is a biological clock that regulates our sleep-wake pattern throughout 24 hours, even without alarm clocks. Thus,
going by the natural patern, going to bed at around 10 pm helps us sleep much better; otherwise, our health would eventually suffer when this
normal rhythm is deliberately broken for significantly prolonged periods. Ideally, a normal adult would require 7.5 hours of sleep a day; at the
very least, 6 hours. If we really cannot manage adequate sleep, try taking a short nap in the afternoon whenever feasible. The author recommends
sleeping naked - tights that keep perspiration and internal secretions in ladies and keep the scrotal temperature too high in men (fertility may
thus be affected) must be avoided at all costs. Never ignore the natural rhythm, otherwise, be prepared to pay the price of having a sub-health
state that may escape the usual medical tests available but, nevertheless, our health is already at a significantly sub-optimal level. Take care!
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