Hon Jin
Xiao Yau, 40, had dry eyes
due to prolonged work at the
computer. She was given artifi-
cial tears; asked to limit com-
puter work and to take more
vegetables and fruits. Although
dry eyes usually occur in the eld-
erly - dryness, discomfort or
even redness, itchiness, blurring
of vision, excessive gum in the
morning, photophobia, etc., pro-
gressing to headache, agitation,
tiredness, inability to concen-
trate and even corneal abrasion
and severe visual loss. For
younger age, dry eyes have a
direct relationship with the du-
ration of computer usage - while
concentrating on the screen,
blinking is involuntarily reduced;
tears are no longer distributed
to the whole eye. At least 1/3 of
workers with prolonged work at
the computer have dry eyes.
Without any specific treatment,
dry eyes are best prevented.Try
regular massaging the eyes.
After working at the computer for
1 hour, try deliberate blinking,
look afar or at green plants,
close the eyes to rest a while.
Adjust the screen for comfort
and at >60 cm. Drink tea for its
vitamin A enhancement. Have
a balanced diet. With appropri-
ate management, dry eyes
would be controlled readily.
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