保健 - 第70期 - page 81

Lau Hon Jin
Although modern living
r e d u c e s o u r sw e a t i n g
considerably, e.g., air-condi-
tioned cars and offices, sweating
is actually good for our health.
Passive sweating is from hot
weather but active sweating is
from physical activity. Apart from
our urine and bowel motions, we
have 2~5 million sweat glands
ready to pour out sweat. In mod-
ern living, we should endeavor to
have more active sweating. As
even Bush, the US President,
jogs 3 Km per day and Putin,
President of the Russian
Federation, is a top sportsman
among all leaders of nations, they
obviously believe in physical
exercises.We have no more ex-
cuses for not having regular
physical exercises. Physical ex-
ercises and sweating help to burn
our calories - body weight reduc-
tion with no side effects at all.
Even the control of hypertension
may be enhanced. Exercises
help to dilate our peripheral blood
vessels; increase the speed of
recirculation; improve the elastic-
ity of our blood vessels - all these
would help to reduce the require-
ment for anti-hypertensive drugs
so that the side effects of these
d r ugs a r e a l so r educed
correspondingly. Take physical
exercises in moderation; have a
balanced diet!
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