保健 - 第72期 - page 75

Earth's Imminent Disaster: Global Warming as the Worst Culprit
Although greenhouse gasses: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and CFCs enable the beneficial greenhouse effect on Earth, the
UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns excessive industrial carbon dioxide emissions warms the Earth till there is rise
in sea level from glacier- and snowmelt-fed rivers; a coral atoll nation in the South Pacific risks entire submergence - Tuvulu is just a few metres
above sea level. Hurricanes frequent, e.g., in the US, Katrina sweeping through Louisiana and Mississippi, leaving 100,000 New Orleans
victims homeless. In the 21st Century, the mean temperature rose by 0.6oC; another rise of 1.4-5.8 oC is postulated this Century. An article
in "Nature" says, by 2050, 18-35% of creatures are extinct. When our body temperature (37.5oC) is exceeded, cooling by sweating is
attempted; if ineffective, heat strokes result, especially the elderly; those with heart diseases, hypertension, etc. must also take special care.
According to the Kyoto Protocol, even Hong Kong has to reduce carbon dioxide emission (mainly electricity generators) by 2012. Save by
reducing energy consumption a la UN Framework Convention of Climate Change.
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